228 research outputs found

    La constitution du TAL: Étude historique des dĂ©nominations et des concepts

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    Several terms have been in competition as names for the theoretical and applieddiscipline that lies in the intersection of linguistics, mathematics, computer sciences andcognitive sciences and which developed out of early experiments in Machine Translation.They include Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing in English, andTraitement automatique des langues, Informatique linguistique and Linguistique informatiquein French. This paper traces the history of these terms and considers whether theterminological variation may be a symptom of the conflicts at work in the field, concerningthe institutional, economical, theoretical and conceptual issues.Pour désigner le champ d'investigations et d'applications à l'intersection de lalinguistique, des mathématiques, de l'informatique et des sciences cognitives hérité desexpériences pionniÚres en traduction automatique, plusieurs termes sont ou ont été enconcurrence, Computational Linguistics ou Natural Language Processing dans le domaineanglo-américain, Traitement automatique des langues, Informatique linguistique ouLinguistique informatique en France. Cet article se propose, en retraçant le parcourshistorique de ces dénominations, de montrer que le flottement sur les termes estsymptomatique des tensions à l'oeuvre dans le domaine, sur le plan des enjeux institutionnels,économiques, théoriques et conceptuels

    Jean Dubois, un passeur ?

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    Dans le contexte intellectuel français du dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960, oĂč la linguistique amĂ©ricaine, en particulier sa mathĂ©matisation, est encore largement mĂ©connue, Jean Dubois a largement contribuĂ© Ă  l’introduction en France de l’analyse distributionnelle et de l’analyse de discours harrissiennes, de la thĂ©orie de l’information, enfin de la grammaire gĂ©nĂ©rative. Dans cet article, nous retracerons les premiers travaux de Jean Dubois des annĂ©es 1960-70 ayant contribuĂ© Ă  cette diffusion, en tentant d’évaluer son rĂŽle en tant que passeur ou bien plus simplement de facilitateur. Dans cette perspective, nous examinerons sa thĂšse sur le lexique oĂč l’analyse distributionnelle est appliquĂ©e pour la premiĂšre fois en France, ses travaux inspirĂ©s des travaux de la conception de Roman Jakobson de la thĂ©orie de l’information, enfin ses travaux sur l’analyse de discours largement inspirĂ©s par ceux de Zellig S. Harris ; travaux alimentĂ©s et complĂ©tĂ©s par son important travail d’édition des traductions des travaux amĂ©ricains. Afin d’évaluer son rĂŽle de passeur, nous Ă©tudierons la façon dont ses disciples immĂ©diats ont repris ou poursuivi ses travaux dans le domaine de l’analyse de discours.In the French intellectual context of the early 1960s, where American linguistics, in particular its mathematization, is still largely unknown, Jean Dubois largely contributed to the introduction in France of Harris’s distributional analysis and discourse analysis, of information theory and generative grammar. In this article, we will examine how Jean Dubois’s early works in the 1960-70s contributed to this dissemination, and try to assess his role in the introduction of American linguistic theories in France. In this perspective, we will examine his PhD dissertation on the lexicon where distributional analysis was applied for the first time in France, his work inspired by Roman Jakobson's conception of information theory, finally his work on discourse analysis largely inspired by Zellig S. Harris; those works were supplemented by his intense activity of publishing translations of American works. In order to assess his role in the introduction of American linguistic theories in France, we will study the way in which his immediate disciples resumed or continued his work in the area of ​​discourse analysis

    Le CNRS et les débuts de la traduction automatique en France

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    C'est en 1959-1960 que se concrĂ©tise l'intĂ©rĂȘt des Français pour la traduction automatique. Le CNRS y participe pleinement en crĂ©ant en dĂ©cembre 1959 le CETA (Centre d'Ă©tudes pour la traduction automatique) au sein de l'Institut Blaise-Pascal, avec deux sections, l'une Ă  Paris, le CETAP, dirigĂ© par AimĂ© Sestier, l'autre Ă  Grenoble, le CETAG, dirigĂ© par Bernard Vauquois. La crĂ©ation du CETA est prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e par celle de l'ATALA (l'Association pour l'Ă©tude et le dĂ©veloppement de la traduction autom..

    Linguistique appliquée et traitement automatique des langues

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    Cet article examine les relations entre la linguistique appliquĂ©e et le traitement automatique des langues au dĂ©but de leur institutionnalisation dans les annĂ©es 1960. Dans une Ă©tude comparative, on essaiera de rendre compte des diffĂ©rences entre traditions. En particulier on essaiera d’expliquer pourquoi des liens forts ont existĂ© en France, notamment au sein de l’association Atala, ainsi qu’au niveau international au sein de l’Aila, alors que dans les autres pays pionniers, comme la Grande-Bretagne et les États-Unis, la LA s’est davantage orientĂ©e vers d’autres centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt comme l’instrumentation de l’enseignement des langues et l’analyse statistique des textes. Enfin, on montrera comment une rĂ©flexion approfondie en Urss sur les applications de la linguistique a nourri l’interaction entre LA et TAL.This article examines the relationship between applied linguistics and natural language processing at the beginning of their institutionalization in the 1960s. In a comparative study, we attempt to account for differences between traditions. In particular we will try to explain why strong links existed in France, particularly in the Atala association, as well as internationally in the Aila, while, in other pioneering countries such as Britain and the United States, applied linguistics turned towards other areas of interest such as instrumentation language teaching and the statistical analysis of texts. Finally, we show how in-depth reflection on linguistic applications in the Ussr fed the interaction between LA and TAL

    La traduction automatique, une impossible science du langage appliquée

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    O artigo aborda caracterĂ­sticas e tendĂȘncias das diferentes fases pelas quais passou a tradução automĂĄtica, assim como as tendĂȘncias do momento atualCet article aborde les divers pĂ©riodes de la traduction automatique qui amĂšnent Ă  la pĂ©riode contemporaine

    Des questions-échos aux réponses-échos

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    Nous nous proposons de montrer, dans un perspective conversationnelle, qu’il existe un type de rĂ©pĂ©tition du discours de l’autre, la rĂ©ponse-Ă©cho, associĂ© de façon stable et routiniĂšre Ă  une configuration prosodique particuliĂšre, qui prĂ©sente l’intĂ©rĂȘt de permettre aux participants de « faire Ă©cho » Ă  un segment du tour de parole prĂ©cĂ©dent sans pour autant signaler un problĂšme et initier une rĂ©paration sous forme de question. De plus, dans certaines situations interactionnelles, comme la relation de service, la rĂ©ponse-Ă©cho constitue la rĂ©ponse prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e (ou non marquĂ©e) et s’oppose (tout en formant une paire) avec la question-Ă©cho, qui constitue la rĂ©ponse prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e (ou marquĂ©e).In this paper, we aim to show that there is a kind of hetero-repetition, named echo-answer, which is regularly and steadily associated with a specific prosodic pattern and which occurs in a specific sequential place. Echo-answers allow the participants to echo a part of the preceding turn without signalling a problem or initiating a reparation. Moreover, in some interactional situations, such as service encounters, echo-answers appear to form a constrastive set with echo-questions ; the former being the preferred (unmarked) form and the latter the unpreferred (marked) one

    A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System

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    Rapid Arctic warming drives profound change in the marine environment that have significant socio-economic impacts within the Arctic and beyond, including climate and weather hazards, food security, transportation, infrastructure planning and resource extraction. These concerns drive efforts to understand and predict Arctic environmental change and motivate development of an Arctic Region Component of the Global Ocean Observing System (ARCGOOS) capable of collecting the broad, sustained observations needed to support these endeavors. This paper provides a roadmap for establishing the ARCGOOS. ARCGOOS development must be underpinned by a broadly-endorsed framework grounded in high-level policy drivers and the scientific and operational objectives that stem from them. This should be guided by a transparent, internationally accepted governance structure with recognized authority and organizational relationships with the national agencies that ultimately execute network plans. A governance model for ARCGOOS must guide selection of objectives, assess performance and fitness-to-purpose, and advocate for resources. A requirements-based framework for an ARCGOOS begins with the Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) that underpin the system. SBAs motivate investments and define the system's science and operational objectives. Objectives can then be used to identify key observables and their scope. The domains of planning/policy, strategy, and tactics define scope ranging from decades and basins to focused observing with near real time data delivery. Patterns emerge when this analysis is integrated across an appropriate set of SBAs and science/operational objectives, identifying impactful variables and the scope of the measurements. When weighted for technological readiness and logistical feasibility, this can be used to select Essential ARCGOOS Variables, analogous to Essential Ocean Variables of the Global Ocean Observing System. The Arctic presents distinct needs and challenges, demanding novel observing strategies. Cost, traceability and ability to integrate region-specific knowledge have to be balanced, in an approach that builds on existing and new observing infrastructure. ARCGOOS should benefit from established data infrastructures following the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reuseable Principles to ensure preservation and sharing of data and derived products. Linking to the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) process and involving Arctic stakeholders, for example through liaison with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), can help ensure success

    Com o diabo no corpo: os terrĂ­veis papagaios do Brasil colĂŽnia

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    Desde a Antiguidade, papagaios, periquitos e afins (Psittacidae) fascinaram os europeus por seu vivo colorido e uma notĂĄvel capacidade de interação com seres humanos. A descoberta do Novo Mundo nada faria alĂ©m de acrescentar novos elementos ao trĂĄfico de animais exĂłticos hĂĄ muito estabelecido pelos europeus com a África e o Oriente. Sem possuir grandes mamĂ­feros, a AmĂ©rica tropical participaria desse comĂ©rcio com o que tinha de mais atrativo, essencialmente felinos, primatas e aves - em particular os papagaios, os quais eram embarcados em bom nĂșmero. Contudo, a julgar pelos documentos do Brasil colĂŽnia, esses volĂĄteis podiam inspirar muito pouca simpatia, pois nenhum outro animal - exceto as formigas - foi tantas vezes mencionado como praga para a agricultura. AlĂ©m disso, alguns psitĂĄcidas mostravam-se tĂŁo loquazes que inspiravam a sĂ©ria desconfiança de serem animais demonĂ­acos ou possessos, pois sĂł trĂȘs classes de entidades - anjos, homens e demĂŽnios - possuĂ­am o dom da palavra. Nos dias de hoje, vĂĄrios representantes dos Psittacidae ainda constituem uma ameaça para a agricultura, enquanto os indivĂ­duos muito faladores continuam despertando a suspeita de estarem possuĂ­dos pelo demĂŽnio. Transcendendo a mera curiosidade, essa crença exemplifica o quĂŁo intrincadas podem ser as relaçÔes do homem com o chamado “mundo natural”, revelando um universo mais amplo e multifacetado do que se poderia supor a princĂ­pio. Nesse sentido, a existĂȘncia de aves capazes de falar torna essa relação ainda mais complexa e evidencia que as dificuldades de estabelecer o limite entre o animal e o humano se estendem alĂ©m dos primatas e envolvem as mais inusitadas espĂ©cies zoolĂłgicas.Since ancient times, parrots and their allies (Psittacidae) have fascinated Europeans by their striking colors and notable ability to interact with human beings. The discovery of the New World added new species to the international exotic animal trade, which for many centuries had brought beasts to Europe from Africa and the Orient. Lacking large mammals, tropical America participated in this trade with its most appealing species, essentially felines, primates and birds - especially parrots - which were shipped in large numbers. It should be noted, however, that at times these birds were not well liked. In fact, according to documents from colonial Brazil, only the ants rank higher than parrots as the animals most often mentioned as agricultural pests. On the other hand, some of these birds were so chatty that people suspected them to be demonic or possessed animals, since only three classes of beings - angels, men and demons - have the ability to speak. Nowadays, several Psittacidae still constitute a threat to agriculture, and the suspicion that extremely talkative birds were demon possessed has also survived. More than a joke or a mere curiosity, this belief exemplifies how intricate man’s relationships with the “natural world” may be. In this sense, the existence of birds that are able to speak adds a further twist to these relationships, demonstrating that the problem of establishing a boundary between the animal and the human does not only involve primates, but also includes some unusual zoological species

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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